As I reflect on the past 5 weeks, since I last blogged I think of the list of activities, meetings and appointments I have experienced. I find it hard to believe that I have not downloaded any of them in writing! So, I will touch on a few to bring you up to speed:
Meeting with Jeanette Stevenson, a certified Life Coach that I have know since my MWA Counseling days where she rented an office from MWA. Jeanette is looking for ways to connect with KFA.
Vision casting with Joan Stanich as we begin to plan what 2009 will look like for The New View and then Joan and I shared that vision with The Pulse Team to have so much enthusiasm build. I LOVE casting vision!
I have been blessed to work with (mentor) 4 women over the past 2 years that have really begun to experience the fullness of total surrender to the Lord. One of which just emailed me from her new home (in another state) to tell me that her life has completely turned the corner that she has been praying about. God is so faithful.
Employment Workshop with Sarah White was well attended. God worked both during the workshop and on individuals following that time together to change hearts and confirm callings.
FIREPROOF: two girlfriends went with me to view the movie FIREPROOF in the process of planning to bring it and the study "Fireproof You Marriage" to couples small groups in the spring! More to be announced...
ONE MONTH TO LIVE: What a great series. We have heard many great testimonies about life-change that happened during the study. More than anything I must say that KFA is BLESSED with two great communicators and Senior Pastors!
GROUP LIFE conference at Willow. Saw leaders John Burke (Soul Revolution), Mark Batterson (In a Pit with a Lion..., Wild Goose Chase) and Bill Donahue among many others. Sat with THOUSANDS who share my heart for life-giving relationships through small groups. This year I went looking for confirmation for the plans that have been placed in my heart for our people at KFA.
EXODUS INTERNATIONAL Regional Conference at Green Lake Conference Center. Lisa McAlpine went with to help get an eye for deliverence ministry at KFA. We found ourselves in the midst of individuals who have struggled (past and present) with same-sex attraction as well as spouses, friends and family members who have millions of unanswered questions and tons of compassion. The leaders did a great job and speaker KATHY KOCK, Ph.D. (www.celebratekids.com) was OUTSTANDING. Look for Dr. Kathy in 2009 as we plan to invite her with a message for students and families. Her book "Finding Authentic Hope and Wholeness" (Moody Publishers) will be in The Bread Store next week.
Planning for 2009: I am SO excited to see how the vision shapes up. Pastor Bob and I are working together to focus on Family ministry. The New View has big plans. Small groups are booming. Assimilation and Discipleship are combining for LaunchPoint- the process for Christian growth at KFA.
Now you see why busy was a good title. My list only begins to scratch the surface of what it has looked like. I am so grateful that God has me on this great adventure!
Take care-