1. | extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: an audacious explorer. |
2. | extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: an audacious vision of the city's bright future. |
3. | recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; brazen. |
4. | lively; unrestrained; uninhibited: an audacious interpretation of her role. |
Jim and I once had a pastor encourage us to set a "BHAGG" based on what God was speaking into our hearts. He later defined BHAGG as a Big Hairy Audacious God-Sized Goal and then further encouraged us to BELIEVE GOD for the fulfillment of His promise. This was great inspiration for us as we had already seen God do BIG things in our lives. Jim and I both have been set free from addictions that threatened to destroy us, so we both have come to know God's nature when it comes to causing the miraculous.
A couple of weeks ago I lead our staff devotions (the Pastoral Staff has a rotation where one of us present a devo. to the whole KFA staff one morning every week) and I asked the staff to get with God and ask Him about His goals for their lives for 2009. I then instructed them to commit to one of the goals and to share it with someone who would hold them accountable to doing their part to fulfill the goal. Since that morning some have shared that they know just where God is directing them while others are still listening for that 'still, small voice' to reveal the plan.
For me, the biggest challenge is not putting a lid on the plans. I KNOW how much I can do. I know what my capabilities are. My hope is that I can give God's plans right back to God because, as I have said before "God is FULLY responsible for the life that is TOTALLY SURRENDERED to Him."
With that in mind, what is God birthing into your life for 2009? Is it to lay things down or pick things up? Is it to finally surrender yourself to His good, perfect and pleasing will? Has He revealed a dream to you in days gone by that you have doubted because it seemed like an impossible feat? I think that everyone is closer to knowing what "IT" is that they will let themselves admit. I dare you to go for it!