I looked at a pack of cigarettes today. Not a confession, nor is there shame attached, but for some reason as I passed the cigarette case at my local grocery store I noticed the type used to smoke. Now, I have not smoked in twenty-one (21) years. I do not miss it although I had a multiple-pack-per-day life-controlling habit prior to my deliverance. This morning the pack just caught my attention and then I walked away with a “What was that?” rattling around in my brain.
I know exactly what it was. I know that the enemy of our souls is not creative. I know that he will use ANYTHING that has worked before to see if we (I) will fall for it again. The Word calls them ‘strongholds’ and warns us to guard against anyone or anything that can take us captive. After all, Jesus came to set captives FREE! John 8:36 says “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” That, my friends, is a promise.
So what so we do when we are tempted? Not IF, but WHEN. I think the best thing to do is walk away. That works for the physical proximity of the temptation, but the thoughts that begin to crop are are usually the deeper issue. I believe that one of our greatest playgrounds are our minds. BUT, we do have the power to take each thought captive and compare it to the TRUTH of God’s word. I heard Pastor Dan quote Billy Sunday once, saying: “One reason sin flourishes is that it is treated like a cream puff instead of a rattlesnake." How true.
Today, I will walk away and think on what is true when tempted. Care to join me?
Take care-