Tuesday, December 14, 2010


One of the KFA values in that we are RELATIONAL.  Few need to have that word defined as we are all wired for this.  Some more, some less… but inside each of us there is a place reserved for the ‘warm fuzzies’ of community.
Today in our staff devotional time, rather than spend time teaching our team about how to be relational I asked them about what they saw the characteristics of the value to be.  They spoke of meeting emotional needs as well as felt needs, listening, sharing, give and take as well as having a sense of being involved in something bigger than one’s self.  After hearing this I asked them to think BIGGER and we looked at ways that KFA can be relational with our community.  Many of the answers we in support of events that we already do as outreach as well as some good ideas for future planning. 
After speaking of the changes in culture that prevent those who are far from a relationship with Jesus from coming INSIDE the walls of a church we spoke about ways that we can take the church to the city.  I love the hearts of those whom I serve with.  They are leaders and visionaries.
I read from Dan Kimball’s “They Like Jesus But Not the Church” with regard to how emergent generations see the church/organized religion as too legalistic and uncaring.  I presented them with the new drawing of an unbeliever’s journey to God and spoke about the fact that while Jesus’ finished work of the Cross bridges the chasm of sin and gets people to heaven, that WE are the assigned bridge builders that get people to the work of the cross… or even a realization that they NEED the work of the cross.
Our neighbors watch us.  They know how we spend our time and money.  They know what we love.  Let’s be intentional about building bridges toward a journey with Christ for them.
Take care-


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I really like this post. One of the things that I really appreciate about you is that you relate to us "outsiders" so well.

I have a big part of me in the world...I am surrounded by all of it. It can be hard to stay on the narrow path, sometimes. You seem to get that and all of us, so that makes me feel better. If somone can meet me where I am today and encourage my journey with Christ, then I will be be better person. I know that.

Such a huge thanks to you and Jim for all you do to help all of us! Love ya!

Lisa Kurman said...

Dear Anon-

Having been an 'outsider' trying to break into the church scene, I understand. Thanks for your kind words.

At KFA we believe that Jesus is the hope of the world. Hence our mission statement "Making it easy to find and experience God." Hopefully along the path that is YOUR journey with God we have been able to do that.

PK's BLOG said...

This was a very good devo that I heard live on Tuesday. Very nice job.

Lisa Kurman said...
