The power of multiples has again become evident in my life. I say 'again' because this recurring theme has always shattered my illusions of self-sufficiency. As David states in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:If one falls down,his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up."
During the past month I have been working to set up the Challenge Groups for KFA's "One Month to Live" campaign. It has been both the greatest joy and biggest challenge I have faced this year. I LOVE that a greater number than I expected have decided to connect through small group life for the six weeks of the campaign. However three weeks ago my assistant Peggy had to to begin a personal leave to care for her mother as she has had some medical issues. Here, two would be better than one.
Earlier this week the pastoral staff and their spouses attended the Innovate08 Conference at Granger Community Church in Granger, IN. We took the two church vans due to the number of people going. Things went well through Chicago but shortly after crossing the Indiana state line the tread on one of the tires of the vans came off and flew into traffic behind us. Just so happened it was the van that Jim and I were in AND it just so happened that it happened 15 minutes from my parent's house. When we discovered that the van's emergency tools to change the tire were not up to the task I chose to call my parents for help. You know that call that begins "DAD... you're not going to believe this..." In a matter of time he and my Mom arrived with the appropriate tools for the job and soon we were on our way.
Just before leaving my office earlier that very same day my cell phone rang. As I answered the phone I noticed that it was one of my friends on the other end of the call. Having just had "a day" herself she called to confess that she was tempted to fall into an old sin pattern. She was reaching out because she knows the power of multiples. She knew that public confession would take all of the power out of the temptation. Later, I called her to follow-up while we were sitting on the side of the highway. She had been able to resist the urges that temporarily had her in their grip.
We are called to be there for each other. "Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help. If you say, "Hey, that's none of my business," will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you now—Someone not impressed with weak excuses." is what Proverbs 24:11-12 says in The Message Bible. I think that is what bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth looks like. How about you?
Take care-
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