Wednesday, September 24, 2008

See you...

This morning I went with my son Ben to his school for 'See You at the Pole', a student-initiated, student organized, and student-led event. That means this is all about students meeting at their school flagpole to pray—for their school, friends teachers, government, and their nation. See You at the Pole™ is not a demonstration, political rally, nor a stand for or against anything. It was really great to be there. Ben began to prepare for the events today by attending a rally last night at IBC where some of the local youth pastors taught the students how to conduct themselves at SYATP, a worship band played and we prayed for the school we would be at. As you know, middle-schoolers can get silly... as we prayed the repeated part of the prayer by almost ever student was "God, let more people show up..." There were about 15 kids in the Lance School prayer group.

THIS MORNING when we arrived many of the students from the rally were already there. We joked and joined the semi-circle around the flag pole. Then more people showed up. About thirty students and 3 parents (including me). It was interesting to hear what the on-lookers were saying although some of their comments would not be acceptable to repeat. Mostly though, as the crowd built there was just a great deal of noise.

Here are a few examples of my experience:

  • At one point I was aware of a boy standing just behind me peering in. I let go of the hand I was holding and invited him to join us. He set down his backpack and took both hands to complete the circle. After about 2 minutes he leaned over and asked "Are you guys praying or something?" He stayed for about 2 more minutes and excused himself.
  • Shortly after that I overheard someone behind me say "Oh man! I was supposed to be doing THAT!" Again I dropped my neighbor's hand and made eye-contact with the girl that had made that statement and she left her friends and joined in.
  • I noticed a school employee over my shoulder and invited her into the circle. She took both Ben's hand and mine and stood with us while many students prayed before she excused herself.
  • During prayer two girls walked past and one loudly said to the other "I don't know WHAT they're praying for... but I know the are PRAYING!"

What a great morning. I was so impressed by the students who bravely stood up for their Christian beliefs in front of their school body. I saw many gifted leaders and evangelists boldly proclaiming their love for Christ. These kids are the future of the church... and our future looks BRIGHT!

1 comment:

Nothing said...

I remember those See You At The Pole days. I always had such a warm feeling standing out in the cold at a public school praying for the Holy Spirit to fill the halls and classrooms and hearts that occupy the building!!